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Fatberg festival

Fatberg Festival (2019) considers our detachment from waste matter and waste systems as a cause of urgent environmental problems. It consists of an installation of make-up wipes collected from the public, and three videos: Belly of the Monster, Liminal Zones, and The Flushers.

Belly of the Monster In certain mid-century South-eastern African and Australian tribes, when novices were initiated they would spend a period of time in a secluded cabin and their mothers would be told they had been eaten by a monster. The cabin was the monster's belly, a site of digestion which is simultaneously deathly and transformative. Belly of the Monster takes the sewers as a monstrous belly in which our waste is also gestational, embryonic.

Liminal Zones Manholes are liminal zones. Coming into contact with them propels you into an in-between of yourself and other. Tread carefully!

The Flushers Taking its name from the title assigned to sewage maintenance workers tasked with 'flushing' through fatbergs, The Flushers attempts to create an imaginative space where the co-existence of the physiological and psychological induces mutual healing.

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